Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I'm just reminding myself of what's gone before, not really going to add to things.

I still think the idea's got legs but now my first term is looking even busier, with a couple of very part-time jobs and me wanting to do 50% more modules than the full-time amount. How's that for ridiculous?

Ah well. Hold these thoughts, and see how they go. Fortunately my genealogy enthusiasm has waned a bit, so that I'm not doing research on it every hour or anything. It's really because I just got to the end of some of the material I got from family members. I haven't done the sort of Who Do You Think You Are? stuff yet like travel round the country to different record offices, or even round the world to trace family connections (though apparently I'm somewhat English - knew that - and one sixteenth Belgian - although I used to get that wrong and say Danish... close! - and I may even be part Jewish through an ancestor with the surname Solomon or Solomons although that's really just speculation.) Anyway we're all human, what does it matter if we come from umpteen different gene pools (on one side) or have ancestors who married their cousins... Perhaps this could add further fuel to the narrative. How likely is it that a student would get interested in their family history? Maybe they are a history student in any case, think it's boring until Aunt Mabel dies or becomes sick and they travel to see her, have conversations with her and/or other family members and find out who they really are (also influenced by WDYTYA being on telly - series 76?!)

Right I really must go now... TIme for bed said Zeb.

Friday, September 01, 2006


This novel is really an ambitious idea, especially with everything else that's going on just now. I believe they call it 'Life' - it's a package deal including 'Immediate Family', 'Extended Family', 'Holiday Work', 'Plans for future income', 'Study', 'Calling', 'Church Involvement' and others. These applications all seem to work well, although the Family modules need some patches, but the system slows down whenever I even think of trying to run them all at full efficiency. I've also been toying with a 'Exploring Genealogy' module that eats up time and energy at the worst moments - mealtimes, bedtimes... This has led me to wonder whether a novel is the best plan at all, rather than a biography of a particular ancestor. OK so it would probably put me outside the rules for NaNoWriMo but that may be helpful (in terms of freeing up processing power for 'Study' at a crucial period of its running). I also have some ideal material for said biography (taped remeniscences from the ancestor in question) but it's not the only copy so it's a fair bet that other family members have had the same idea and could even now be working on such a biog.

Decisions decisions. It would be a shame to abandon these characters, half-created - they've already had ages being stuck in blog-limbo, I fear the repercussions should I simply not use them at all. Hmmm, wonder what happened to my previous novel characters. Where are they now?